Saturday, September 24, 2011


 Love is not what you see in the movies. Its not the ecstasy its not what you see in that scene
         you know what I mean?  I'm telling you right now true love is sacrifice.
 Love is thinking about others before you think about yourself love is selfless not selfish.
 Love is God and God is love. 
 Love is when you lay down your life for another whether for your brother your mother your 
         father or your sister its even laying down your life for your enemies that's unthinkable 
         but think about that.
 Love is true.
 Love is patient
 Love is kind. It does not envy it does not boast it is not proud.
 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects always trusts 
         always hopes it always perseveres.
 Love never fails.
 Love is everlasting its eternal it goes on and on it goes beyond time love is the only thing 
         that will last when you die but ask the question why? Do you have LOVE?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Members of ObsAngl

1. Annisa Rohmaniah
    panggil aja ica, anak nya kalem bgt! baik, rajin, tp banyak omong, apalagi kalau udah ngomongin skandar, suri, olla dan lain lain -___- ica tuh imutttt loh mukanya msh kaya anak tk hahahaha. Ica tuh temen gua dari kelas 7 sampe sekarang.

2. Breda Mukti Lukitasari
    Breda  tuh tinggi  dan cantik bgt, cock bgt buat jadi model. Breda suka bgt sama paramore, twillight, dan sejenisnya. Breda jago main basket trus juga suka baca novel. Banyak bgt yg takut sama breda katanya, apalagi ade kelas, tapi padahal breda baik kok ;)

3. Ghea Reidinta
    Ghea tuh orang nya suka ilang tiba-tiba entah kemana, tp nanti pasti ketemu deh hahaha. Anak dari sd empang ini baik, ramah,  cantik dan sopan. Ghea tuh kaya gapunya mata kalau lagi ketawa tp kalau lagi baca matanya belooooo. Ghea tuh temen yg setia jd temen pulang gua haha. Ghea enak bgt kalau diajak curhat, ngerti bgt kalau gua lg sedih dan galau :')

4. Ghufrani Ferina
    Gua sama fei itu satu kampung, Padang-Banjarmasin \m/. Gua baru kenal fei pas kelas 8, anak nya asik bgt, tp kadang kadang suka gahar kalau lg pms.Menurut gua, fei itu cantik kalau gapake kacamata.  Fei itu temen curhat gua, dia mau dengerin curhat gua yg gajelas padahal, dia juga suka ngedukung gua kalau gua lagi galau tentang cowok......:')

5. Nadiya Atika
    Emmmm, apa ya? hai, ini gua. Wassalam.

6. Redinta Prameswary
    Dinta panggilannya. Anak nya asik bgt, seru, rame, rusuh tp cantik!!!! gua sama dinta punya sifat yg sama, yaitu menel gajelas hahahaa, tp itu bukan berarti gua sama dinta suka ke orang yg dimenelin tp cuman iseng aja kok wkwkwwkwk.